PRT-D7134600 #1
PRT-D7134600 #2

SBF 289/302 Ignitor Iii Dist. - Cast Sto


AL Inventory: 0

MI Inventory: 16


  • Title (Custom) - D7134600 Elec Dist Cast Ford SB w/Ignitor III Vac Adv Black Cap
  • All new lightweight cast aluminum housings modeled after the original distributors.; Tailored advance curve for optimal performance and drivability.; Ignitor III multi-spark rev limiting modules.; Integrated digital REV limiter with LED feedback for precise RPM setting.; High dielectric strength cap with brass terminals.

Distributor - Stock Look - Magnetic Pickup - Vacuum Advance - Socket Style - Black - Small Block Ford - Each



New Flame-Thrower "Stock-Look" distributors are loaded with all the features that